
*Courtesy of Mitchell1

Scheduled maintenance could be a massive part of your business and ProDemand makes it easier than ever to create it profitable. You decide on however maintenance is displayed: mileage, amount, or indicator-based. ProDemand shows all tasks relevant to your vehicle solely, and permits you to make a task list of maintenance things as well as description, location, diagrams, procedures, and specifications.


You selected however maintenance tasks are displayed, guaranteeing that no tasks are lost and no profit opportunities lost. You'll prefer to show solely maintenance tasks for your vehicle’s entered mileage. You’ll additionally keep your customers happy by demonstrating complete information of their vehicle’s distinctive maintenance wants.


Lifetime Services displays the whole OEM-recommended service table for your vehicle, as well as Levels I and II and traditional and severe services. Procedures and Specifications for every task are embedded within the tabs for fast, one-click access.


With ProDemand, maintenance tasks and their needed fluid specifications area unit never quite a click away. From anywhere among Maintenance, clicking the Specs tab shows all fluid sorts, as well as capacities.