Remember the 4 E's

Social Media

Social media is all about sharing with those around you, more than once over time. Sort of like a teacher would teach their students about one topic, you don’t learn it all in one day! Over time, how kind that teacher is affects your opinion on them. They begin to become your favorite, and if you could choose- that’s the only class you would attend!

If you spend the time educating your customers, they will be your customer forever because you’re building a sense of belonging and trust. People want to feel empowered and there is no better way to empower someone other than giving them knowledge about something they may not know much about. Mitchell1’s CRM helps your auto repair facility by educating your customers through social media tactics and email marketing. They keep your shop at the top of your customers mind so when it’s time for automotive service, there is only one choice- your automotive facility. Remember the four E’s:

  • Educate (Your current customers and future prospects.)
  • Empower (Your customers by giving them knowledge.)
  • Enlighten (Yourself, and your customers.)
  • Evolve (your relationships.)