
What should a service professional know about Mitchell 1 labor times?

  • The Mitchell1 “Estimated Labor Times” are given in hours and tenths of an hour (six minutes).
  • The times apply only to standard equipment and production options provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • The times generally reflect the needs of an average, trained auto technician using factory recommended tools and repair procedures.
  • Mitchell 1 “Estimated Labor Times” are to be used as a guide only.

Appointment Reminder Emails…You Schedule and We’ll Send!

Mitchell 1′s SocialCRM service is now sending email appointment reminders to your customers for you. You schedule it and we’ll send it! Here’s how it works: we pull the appointments that you scheduled in your shop’s management system (either Manager 5.9 or SE ) and queue up the reminder emails to be sent the day of the appointment and/or any number of days in advance that you choose.


People shop and buy in a totally different way than they did just a few years ago. People also learn and refer in a different way. What is truly important is that you market in a different way. People are very cost conservative right now.

Are you a Tweeter?

No probably not, after all why should you be? You just recently learned about Facebook and you really see no value in that so why bother with Twitter? You are not alone, this is a common misperception in every industry not just the automotive industry. Here are the top three reasons Twitter should be part of your marketing plan:

Why use Facebook?

Today, consumers -- not marketers, not salespeople -- have all the power. They can choose when to interact with you, on what channel, and on what terms. Facebook is one of the networks that enables this consumer freedom -- it’s a network users navigate based on their own interests. By being present on this site, you are taking back some of the control in your marketing by giving your potential future customers a new channel to discover you on.

Andriod Vs. Windows

In the last few weeks I have had the opportunity to visit with a few service repair facility owners. Many of them have purchased new computers for their repair facility. A few have even purchased laptops than run an Android operating system. These laptops are around $400 which makes them attractive. While these computers will run ProDemand because it is an internet based tool they will not run Manager because Manager only operates on Windows.
